2013年6月14日 星期五



lmdd - move io for performance and debugging tests
copies a specified input file to a specified output with possible conversions. This program is primarily useful for timing I/O since it prints out the timing statistics after completing.


Input file is taken from nameinternal is the default. internal is a special file that acts like Sun's /dev/zero, i.e., it provides a buffer of zeros without doing a system call to get them.

The following file names are taken to mean the standard input: -0, or stdin.
Output file is taken from nameinternal is the default. internal is a special file that acts like /dev/null, without doing a system call to get rid of the data.

The following file names are taken to mean the standard output: -1, or stdout.

The following file names are taken to mean the standard error: 2, or stderr.
Input and output block size n bytes (default 8192). Note that this is different from dd(1), it has a 512 byte default. Also note that the block size can be followed by 'k' or 'm' to indicate kilo bytes (*1024) or megabytes (*1024*1024), respectively.
If n is non-zero, call fsync(2) on the output file before exiting or printing timing statistics.
Copy only n"" input records.

lmdd of=internal if=/media/sda1/test count=50000
lmdd if=internal of=/media/sda1/test count=50000 fsync=1

