2013年10月25日 星期五

WinCE6.0 R3增加Office Viewer

  1. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d2fd14eb-7d5c-428b-951c-343f910047c1&displaylang=en
    Download : WesttekFileViewers6.exe
  2. Install WesttekFileViewers6.exe
  3. Find “File Viewers” under “Third Party” directory in Catalog Items View
  4. Check office viewers or set “SYSGEN_EXCELVIEWER”, “SYSGEN_POWERPOINTVIEWER” and “SYSGEN_WORDVIEWER”, then the viewers will be included into OS
  5. Find the Excel viewer, PowerPoint viewer and so on in WinCE OS

